Opremisidom Online Store

Customer: Lagea
Spletna trgovina Opremisidom kategorija
Opremisidom - Desktop


Opremisidom.com is an online store that sells various home furnitures. In the diverse offer of more than 15,000 products, you can find products of different brands such as Imm Cologne, Salone Internationale del Mobile, Parisot and others.

Wordpress -


  • Multilingualism
  • Product filters
  • Product page
  • Automatic update
  • Stock updates

How did we spruce up the page

  • By using filters that reduce the range of products, the customer can quickly reduce the display of products. In addition to the filters, there is also a great sorter that allows the user to sort by popularity, date of publication, and price. Some categories also include filtering by color, program, bulb type, dimensions, etc
  • In addition to the product description and gallery, certain product pages also contain promotional videos. All product pages contain a list of similar products, and also have options for sharing on social media networks or sending via email.
  • As the products entered also have variants, the total number of products and variations quickly rises to tens of thousands, which poses a considerable challenge in terms of monitoring the availability of a particular item. As the stock of some suppliers can vary considerably and consequently the products are not available, an automated stock update is very useful so the customer avoids orders that cannot be executed. For this purpose, a custom plugin was developed, which automatically adjusts stock and sets availability status vis API or CVS files uploaded by vendors.

Client opinion

Tilen Ledić

I have been cooperating with the IDEAZ web agency for many years and am fascinated by their immense source of ideas and the fact that they are never intimidated by challenges. Whether it is programming, design, search engine optimization, or social media management, they always prove to be a competent partner.
With their help, my online store is growing and becoming one of the most recognizable furniture stores in Slovenia.


Bear Nika
Project Manager
Owl Dea
Badger Andrej