Our Team

One day, a badger, a hedgehog and a bumblebee met on a forest path. They had an interesting conversation and quickly realized they each had their own particular knowledge that makes them stronger as a group.

Programerji - Jazbeci


The badger lives under the roots of large trees. He spends a lot of time in the hole he dug and wonders how to make the page commissioned by the artistic doe. The doe wants to sell her products online. The badger is active at night, as he finds peace and quiet when others are sleeping. At night, his claws hit the keys with admirable speed, writing high-quality code, and he is also not afraid to carry out many optimisations that others in his industry do not think is important, but it really is for website visitors and search engines. He develops, creates, shapes and adapts the code, and is not afraid to try out new approaches. His love for WordPress knows no bounds, and he is not afraid to take on the WooCommerce online store system or other plug-ins. Although he has written a lot of code in his life, he still finds an occasional difficult challenge that makes his hair stand on end; but because of his courage and ingenuity, he is always up to the challenge. Sometimes, when he wants to forget the numbers, he plunders the vineyards, but only because he lives in Lower Carniola.

Digitalni marketing


The bumblebee is small, peace-loving and well-versed. He lives with the digital, ever since he buzzed into this world. You will often see him multitask from PR to advertising on the largest search engine – Google. He studies analytics, publishes on social networks, and actively follows the latest trends on social networks. He is versed in Facebook and Instagram, as well as Pinterest and TikTok. Sometimes he writes to his cousin in Russia on Vkontakte, and other times his cousin, who has been living in China for several years, finds him via Baidu. He is a cosmopolitan who has been accumulating air miles for many years. His pollination is crucial for the conservation of ecosystems.

Kreativci - Ježi


The spiky hedgehog is most often heard when he is walking over leaves. He loves pears and apples, and he also carries messages on his back. When he is tired, he curls up in a ball and prepares contents for the lady fox and the old wolf, who are always happy to read his notes. The lovely doe likes visiting beauty salons. After every visit, she calls the hedgehog and makes him take a few photos and make sure her posts on Instagram get as many likes as possible. He also often gets a call from the squirrel who wants him to draw an original illustration just for her. Because she likes it so much, the hedgehog has to animate it, and the next it is already posted with great success on YouTube and social networks.



Twilight has fallen and the owl is immersed in literature, studying identities, visuals, brands, both small and large. When she stares at the full moon, she comes up with an idea on how to create the new corporate identity of sir lynx’s new company. She knows he is demanding and has a lot of experience, so she is extra cautious as she draws the lines of the new design on her graphic tablets. And when lady marten decides to launch her cutting-edge innovation to the market, the owl prepares everything she will need to make her presentation stand out.

Podpora - Medvedi


The curious bear loves to have an audience, loves communicating and providing assistance. In his paw, the phone keeps ringing, and he is constantly answering calls and reading messages. Every day at a specific time, he calls the badger, the hedgehog, the owl and the bumblebee and gives them their tasks. He gives each a task he know they are best suited for, knowing that it will be completed splendidly. He respects each of them contributing their share, and together they continue building their animal-cyber kingdom with determination. He likes to invite and host animals from the neighbouring forest, as well as forests from other countries. He considers it a challenge to help and resolve, to make possible and carry out what seems to be impossible.