How do we write a SEO blog?

Although writing a new blog post may seem quite simple, it requires a certain level of skill. To keep the reader’s interest, you have to consider the structure of the content and ensure that the blog is readable. Also, the content must be appealing and understandable so that readers are more likely to share it among their followers on social networks. It’s great to write as many pieces of content as possible that will manage to rank high on Google’s search engine. The more optimized content your site has, the more traffic you can expect. We share with you some tips on how to prepare an SEO-friendly and readable blog that will attract organic clicks to your site.



Before you put your thoughts on paper, you need to research keywords. If you want to rank among the top results on Google, you will have to find out what your audience is actually searching for, so what are the topics you need to write about in your content. Once you have done the keyword research and have a list of keywords written down, you can start writing. We recommend that the blogs be informative in nature, so use informative keywords as your followers would use them.

Example: How do I clean a lawnmower? When should I post on the social network Instagram?


To make your blog SEO-friendly, you must adhere to certain rules, and with the help of a preliminary plan, you will ensure that the blog is written quickly and that you will upgrade it over time and maintain its position in the search engine.


Writing a blog will be much easier if you think about what you want to write, what you want to convey to the readers, and what questions you want to answer at the beginning. Before you get started, write down the answers to the questions and think about the search intent of individuals. You can easily figure this out by typing your questions into Google and looking at the search results.


To make your blog readable and SEO-friendly, it must follow a clear structure, meaning that each post should have an introduction where you present your topic, a body where your main message reigns, and a conclusion where you summarize the main thoughts. This will help you create a structured and readable blog post. Now you can start writing.


People like to use paragraphs to separate text with the desire for greater clarity. Do not start a new paragraph in a new line just to make the text look nicer. Each paragraph needs its own idea, its own completed thought. Summarize the idea you want to develop in one paragraph, and if that’s not possible, use several paragraphs sensibly.

Separate the paragraphs with headings that will help readers understand what a particular part of the text is about. Subheadings help readers scan your page and clarify the structure of articles. Subheadings are also important from an optimization perspective, so use selected keywords in subheadings as well.


You should not overuse the chosen keyword in the text, as the entry can become unappealing, and exaggeration can also harm your ranking. Google rewards content that is user-friendly and appealing. Always use synonyms and inflections of keywords.

Use the targeted keyword in the first and last paragraph of content in its basic form. If you want to optimize your blog for the keyword wooden chairs, start your blog with the title: “Wooden chairs in Scandinavian style.”

Also, you should not go overboard with keywords. Depending on the amount of text, keywords should be repeated from 0.5% to 2%, and repetition should be precise, that is, without inflections, synonyms.


One of the more common questions regarding text optimization is the length of the text itself. Each post must have at least 300 words, but for a higher ranking in the search engine, we recommend making sure that your text is longer and better than the texts that are currently ranking at the top positions.


In blogs, always use internal and, if possible, external links. If you have already written on a similar topic, use anchor text and create an internal link. On our website, we have already written about optimization, so we can create an internal link with the following sentence:

You can read more about website optimization in the chapter on SEO task list.

It is important that when creating anchor text, you reveal what is hidden in the link. It is recommended to use the exact keyword for which you are optimizing web content when using anchor texts. Keep in mind that anchor texts should not be longer than eight words.


Make sure that your website stays active with regular blog posts. If your site is not active, Google will search through your content less frequently, which negatively affects your ranking.

Also, regularly review the blogs you have already published, update them, supplement them and ensure that they keep up with the times.

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